Customization per user



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    Candido Dessanti

    I think that the only default for each user that can be defined is the database (if defined in SSO).

    Everything you define in the servers.json is global to the web server

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    Gianfranco Campana

    Thank you, and just for the sake of argument, and describing my point of view, I'd say that for each medium-to-high complex and organized company, there are different types of end-user:

    • No tech and operative people (Those who takes action on the company ERP based on Immerse useful aggregations and info, or no tech managers able to exploit the features of HeavyIQ). 
    • Low level tech people (Those who could modify dashboards, BI attendant, with limited DB and dashboards permission).
    • Medium level tech people (Able to operate on user, permission, checking data, build dashboards)
    • SYSAdmins (full control over HeavyAI ecosystem, power user python notebook with ML, ETL and scripting for data ingesting, and all)

    One single definition in the servers.json does not adapt to all the scenarios, and could lead to a user that inappropriately modify some dashboards, or touch tables or confguration, or, on the other side, tech user not able to use part of the ecosystem, depending on what is defined as hidden or visibile in the servers.json conf.


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