

  • Official comment
    Todd Mostak

    Also Ivan you should be able to issue calls against HeavyIQ from Python by hitting the HeavyIQ server running on port 6275 (try <your_ip_address:6275/docs for the Swagger Docs page).

    In the coming days I'll try to post an example script that queries HeavyIQ from Python.

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    Will it be possible to customize the HeavyIQ response in another language?

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    Candido Dessanti

    Are you asking for api to call heavyiq directly? I dont think that we are releasing along the product.


    About other languages, right now we havent any easy configuration to change the response langiage. I will ask internally, bu ti think that first we need to have asolid release in english and after that we can think about additional languages 

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    Todd Mostak

    @Ivan1981 this is actually on our short term roadmap... soon the model will respond in the language you ask your question in (for common languages it has been trained with). Is there a particular language you are looking for?

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    Hello Todd!

    It's an honor to have you in my chat! I have a deep respect for your ideas and the work of your team.

    I would be grateful if you could provide me with a Python script.

    Regarding the language, Russian is the universal language of communication and understanding for all people born in the territory of the Soviet Union before its collapse. Many of my acquaintances use GPT in their work, which is trained to respond in Russian, and it's a great experience.

    Best regards,

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