The 7.1 version of Open Source is available.
Pinned FeaturedWe are pleased to announce that the installation packages of HeavyDB OS 7.1 are available for download in the usual channels.
This release add some Geospatial functions like ST_AsBinary and ST_AsText and a new python connector with direct geoPandas support, and add some SQL features like the extension of the ALTER COLUMN TYPE.
You can obtain the tarballs of CPU and GPU version here:
GPU: Heavy-DB 7.1 OS CUDA
CPU: Heavy-DB 7.1 OS CPU
About the installation or the upgrade from previous releases using docker or APT/YUM package manager, please refer to this document: Installation of
For the updated system requirements, please refer to the following documents on our docs site: System and Software Requirements
Read about all the new features and improvements in the release notes.
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