Copy command not finding file path



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    Adding parameters to the heavy.conf file,and attention to the owner permissions of the directory


    then restart heavydb.

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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi Happy,

    Are you certain about that? When I run that command, I encounter a different error, likely because the specified directory doesn't exist in my case, and it may be the same in your situation as well.
    Please note that the specified folder must be a local directory on the server where "heavydb" is running.

    heavysql> copy (select * from geotweets_en_2023) to '/data/results/test.csv';
    File or directory "/data/results/test.csv" does not exist.

    By default, you can export files using the "copy" or "dump" command, and these files are stored in the $HEAVYAI_BASE/storage/export directory. If you want to use a different directory for exports, you'll need to add that directory to the "allowed-export-paths," as mentioned by @jieguo.

    Please note that the specified folder must be a local directory on the server where "heavydb" is running.


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