Final hurdle in setting up Auth0 as SAML for Immerse HeavyAI access - "Database heavyai does not exist"



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    I have "solved" this for now by creating a new database "heavyai"

    i.e. CREATE DATABASE heavyai (owner = 'admin');

    and then SQL command:

    grant access on database heavyai to DBaccess_only_role;

    And my test user is able to successfully login to Immerse now via the Auth0 login!

    I guess I could also have renamed the "omnsci" database to "heavyai" instead. 

    I'm still unsure what was looking for the "heavyai" database in the first place

    So my question now is, How can I use any custom named database (i.e. other than "heavyai") and still have the Auth0/SAML login successfully? Is there a parameter I can change somewhere?

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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi GTBX,

    Recently, we have undergone a rebrand, changing our brand from Omnisci to Heavy.AI. Consequently, we renamed other components, such as the default database name, which has changed from 'Omnisci' to 'HeavyAI.'

    If you are using version 6 or above, please note that your database might have been upgraded from a 5.x version.

    You can rename the database from 'Omnisci' to 'HeavyAI' if needed. The instructions for this process are included in the 'Upgrade to Heavy.AI 6.0' documentation.

    Simply connect to the database with an administrative account like 'admin' and issue this simple command:

    ALTER DATABASE omnisci RENAME TO heavyai;

    After that, restart the HeavyDB service (or your Docker container) for the changes to take effect.




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    Candido Dessanti

    Oops... I forgot to post the message this afternoon.

    Anyway, I don't think there is a way to force the connection to another database, other than defining a different default_db for a user; you could try altering users? I'm not 100% sure about that.

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