Long query string throws a `thrift.transport.TTransport.TTransportException: unexpected exception`


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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi Victoria,

    Sorry for the late reply, but the system wasn't showing some messages.

    We haven't such a lower limit for the length of the query; I just tried with a query using over 88000 characters using the heavysql tool without any issue

    mapd@zion-tr:/opt/heavyai$ wc -c test_sql 
    80049 test_sql
    mapd@zion-tr:/opt/heavyai$ cat test_sql | bin/heavysql -p HyperInteractive tpch40
    User admin connected to database tpch40
    No rows returned.
    User admin disconnected from database tpch40

    So I'm unsure if the issue is the length of the query itself; could you post the query that's failing?

    Could you please tell me which database version you are using? pymapd is quite old and has been superseded by pyomnisci before and now by heavyai

    You can find the installation instructions here


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