GPU Error - Chart Redraw Error - Vulkan



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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi Lukas,

    Thanks for joining our community.

    You are getting this error because when the first query is run the memory manager allocates the first slab in the GPU memory exhausting it. The renderer cannot use the memory in the cache so it's raising this exception.

    To solve the problem you must limit the amount of memory available to the memory manager for the caches using the gpu-buffer-mem-bytes parameter.

    Assuming you are using the system, you have to change the /var/lib/heavyai/heavy.conf appending this line

    in the first section. The memory avaiable to MM will be reduced more or less to 1.2GB 

    port = 6274 http-port = 6278 calcite-port = 6279 data = "/var/lib/heavyai/storage" null-div-by-zero = true gpu-buffer-mem-bytes=1200000000

    [web] port = 6273 frontend = "/opt/mapd/heavyai-ee-6.0.0-20220418-d4d1c2a42c-Linux-x86_64-render/frontend" `` then you should restart the server with the commandsystemctl restart hevydb`

    This should make the renderer work, but the amount of data that the database will be able to process on GPU will be reduced.

    Let me know if this solution is working for you, if not we will try something different.

    Regards, Candido

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    Hi Candido,

    I owe you something. It worked perfectly!

    Thank you very much.

    Regards, Lukas

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