Connect host directory data folder to docker container



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    JP Harvey

    Hi @bycxgto,

    Because it's in a container OmniSci sees the filesystem layout of the container, not the host, so the command would be:

    COPY yellowtaxiJan19 FROM '/omnisci-storage/yellow_tripdata_2019-01.csv' WITH (header='true');

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    Thanks @jpharvey and indeed the file path has now become /omnisci-storage/ and not the host directory!!! allow me to go off the topic - is there a way that files can be loaded directly to omnisci without defining the tables before copying?

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    JP Harvey

    It's not possible to have OmniSci create it automagically with a single COPY FROM command. Our Enterprise product has Immerse which can infer the schema when you do an upload through the web interface, and our pyomnisci Python library also has a way to infer the schema on load.

    It's also possible to use omnisql to detect the schema first, using the \\detect command. You could capture the output of that and create the schema prior to running COPY FROM.

    Both Immerse and omnisql use the detect_column_types API endpoint. Have a look at the definition if you were going to use Thrift directly - I find the Python Thrift bindings the most convenient reference:

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