DBSeeder Version 3.0.1



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    Candido Dessanti

    HI @walter,

    Thanks for your continued efforts in supporting OmnisciDB on DBSeeder. I recently tried out DBSeedeer on my Notebook, and I noticed quite a big difference between the load time of data locally and the table with Performances published on Github.

    Anyway don't worry, when we will have an implementation of those constraints on our database we will reach you.

    Regards, Candido

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    Walter Weinmann

    Hi Candido

    Out of curiosity - what were your numbers and what hardware/software do you use?

    Here you will find a few explanations of my figures: https://github.com/KonnexionsGmbH/db_seeder/blob/wwe_3.0.2/Release-Notes.md.

    Thanks and best regards Walter

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