Query fails on join with date



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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi @Larry_Parker,

    run a query similar to the on is crashing your server, but it's working

    select a.ClientEventTime,b.ClientEventTime, sum_income from ( select ClientEventTime,sum(income) sum_income from hits_v1 group by 1) a join hits_v1_ts b on a.ClientEventTime=b.ClientEventTime order by sum_income limit 10;

    could you share the DDLs of your tables?

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    Larry Parker

    Hi @candido.dessanti,

    This DDL should help reproduce the failing query:

    CREATE TABLE max_dim_date (
        the_date DATE NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE fact_sales (
        the_date DATE,
        sales_amt DECIMAL(10,2)

    Let me know if you can repro, thanks.


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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi @Larry_Parker,

    I have been able to reproduce the error you are getting.

    It happens with DATE and TIMESTAMP datatypes when you use CTE and you join the result placing the field of the right table in the left part of the condition

    so the

    JOIN max_dim_date
      ON max_dim_date.the_date = r.date__id

    will make the server crash, while the condition written this way

    JOIN max_dim_date
      ON r.the_date = max_dim_date.date__id

    will work.

    So if you run this query it will work without any problem

    -- root_node()
    SELECT r."date__id",
        max_dim_date."the_date" AS "date",
        -- leaf_node(a, fact_sales)
        SELECT fact_sales."the_date" AS "date__id",
            SUM(fact_sales."sales_amt") AS "amount"
        FROM fact_sales
        GROUP BY fact_sales."the_date"
        -- [end] leaf_node(a, fact_sales)
    ) AS r
    JOIN max_dim_date
      ON r.date__id = max_dim_date.the_date
    ORDER BY r."amount" DESC
    LIMIT 10000
    -- [end] root_node()

    it's obviously a bug and I guess it will be corrected in the future release.

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    Larry Parker

    Hi @candido.dessanti, thanks for taking the time to repro. We'll see if we can apply the workaround you mention in our SQL code generator. Hope to see a fix in a future release of your db.

    Thanks. -Larry

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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi @Larry_Parker,

    nice to see you back in the community forum.

    our engineers think this issue has been solved with a commit of Feb 2021; which version of omnisci database are you using?

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    Larry Parker

    Hi @candido.dessanti,

    You're saying the issue on this thread has been fixed, or the one I just posted about?


    How do I find the OmniSci version? SELECT VERSION() doesn't seem to work.


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    Candido Dessanti

    from omnisql you can use the \version command

    omnisql> \\version
    OmniSci Server Version: 5.5.2-20210222-aefdf7ece2

    Easy, if you are using omnisql, but I guess you are not.

    I'm talking about the new Issue...I will, reply in the other thread

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    Candido Dessanti

    if you are using squirrelsql


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