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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi Ivan,

    None can't change it because the information schema is intended to be a read-only schema.

    the tables you are seeing there are runtime generated, so they can't be changed.

    What's your needing on the inforamtion_schemas that are blocked by our policy?


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    Hello, in the inforamtion_schemas schemes that are blocked by your policy, I want to make a number of settings for myself, add a few new diagrams, move the diagrams to 1 page. I'm not against locking tables, but locking dashboards is a big inconvenience and shows distrust of the administrator's actions. Can I get a way to change admin rights to save the dashboards I need?

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    At 6.2 logs part will go to GA, but also you’ll be able to see across databases in Immerse. So this means you will be able to create customized dashboards for your system performance monitoring. For example separating out usage stats by role.

    So sorry to take 9 months to chime in here, but we are always listening and trying to improve the product. Keep those suggestions coming!

    Mike Flaxman - Product Manager

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    Candido Dessanti


    it's obvious that we aren't ready yet to give access to the information_schema from others.

    I'll investigate if it's possible to relax such a limitation, that's hardcoded into the database code (I know this for sure because I had to change it while implementing the alter session statement).

    Could you give me a context about @Mike_Flaxman statement your reported?

    Regards, Candido

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    thanks, I hope dashboard editing will be available. Looking forward to this news

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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi Ivan1981,

    With the release of 6.4.0, we added the capability of querying a table located in another database, so now it's possible (with a little effort) to give users the ability to modify a copy of the dashboards located in the information_schema.


    To do that, we have to create another database, a creation of two roles (one for read-only users and another for the users that can modify the dashboards), a set of views, and after that, the export and the import of dashboards.

    Everything can be done using heavysql, running this straightforward script.

    \db information_schema
    \export_dashboard "System Resources" /tmp/sr.json
    \export_dashboard "User Roles and Permissions" /tmp/urp.json

    create database info_schema_users;
    \db info_schema_users
    CREATE VIEW users AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.users;
    CREATE VIEW databases AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.databases;
    CREATE VIEW tables AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables;
    CREATE VIEW dashboards AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.dashboards;
    CREATE VIEW permissions AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.permissions;
    CREATE VIEW roles AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.roles;
    CREATE VIEW role_assignments AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_assignments;
    CREATE VIEW memory_details AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.memory_details;
    CREATE VIEW storage_details AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.storage_details;
    CREATE VIEW memory_summary AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.memory_summary;
    create role r_info_schema_users_ro;
    create role r_info_schema_users_rw;
    grant access, select view, VIEW DASHBOARD on database info_schema_users to r_info_schema_users_ro;
    grant access, select view, VIEW DASHBOARD, EDIT DASHBOARD on database info_schema_users to r_info_schema_users_rw;

    \import_dashboard "System Resources" /tmp/sr.json
    \import_dashboard "User Roles and Permissions" /tmp/urp.json

    then you grant the r_info_schema_users_ro or the r_info_schema_users_rw to your users.

    Let me know if this what you were looking form.

    Best Regards,


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