Weather demo issue: Join never finishes



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    Kyle Pennell

    Hey Tim - You could have the lat lng held separately as floats and renders the points that way. Or could you combine them into something like a WKT geometry. Either one will work for an OmniSci map.

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    Kyle Pennell

    Hi Tim - Do you have the IDs on both encoded as a string encoded dict? Could you try limiting it to just 10000 rows and see if it runs then? What version of OmniSci are you on?

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    Thanks. On checking, only the df_snow (weather data) table has ID as a string encoded dict, not the weather station table. The latter was created by importing a CSV, so I'm not sure how to change the data type in Omnsci. Am using version 5.5.1 on a Mac.

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    Kyle Pennell

    Hey Tim - You'd have to reimport that and make sure the join keys are the same data type on both. That's the only way they'll be able to be joined.

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    Ah, thanks for that. Missed that the two ID fields were different str types. Fixed and join works now.

    One more issue. The imported CSV has the location lat/long as type float, so when it joins to df_snow it leaves them that way, rather than creating location/point fields. Is that as intended? It's not clear to me why it's not seeing location data as location, or how to fix that in CSV import.

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    Candido Dessanti

    Hi @timbenz ,

    Let's say you loaded a table with lon/lat, and you want a point datatype; you can re-create the table using a point datatype instead lon/lat fields and then re-reload the table with the files you previously used.

    let's say we have a table like that REATE TABLE yellow_tripdata ( vendorid TEXT ENCODING DICT(8), tpep_pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP(0) ENCODING FIXED(32), tpep_dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP(0) ENCODING FIXED(32), passenger_count SMALLINT, trip_distance FLOAT, pickup_longitude DOUBLE, pickup_latitude DOUBLE, ratecodeid TEXT ENCODING DICT(8), store_and_fwd_flag TEXT ENCODING DICT(8), dropoff_longitude DOUBLE, dropoff_latitude DOUBLE, payment_type TEXT ENCODING DICT(8), fare_amount FLOAT, extra DECIMAL(14,2), mta_tax DECIMAL(14,2), tip_amount DECIMAL(14,2), tolls_amount DECIMAL(14,2), improvement_surcharge DECIMAL(14,2), total_amount DECIMAL(14,2));

    just create another table yellow_tripdata_p

    CREATE TABLE yellow_tripdata_p ( vendorid TEXT ENCODING DICT(8), tpep_pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP(0) ENCODING FIXED(32), tpep_dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP(0) ENCODING FIXED(32), passenger_count SMALLINT, trip_distance FLOAT, pickup_point GEOMETRY(POINT, 4326) NOT NULL ENCODING COMPRESSED(32), ratecodeid TEXT ENCODING DICT(8), store_and_fwd_flag TEXT ENCODING DICT(8), dropoff_point GEOMETRY(POINT, 4326) NOT NULL ENCODING COMPRESSED(32), payment_type TEXT ENCODING DICT(8), fare_amount FLOAT, extra DECIMAL(14,2), mta_tax DECIMAL(14,2), tip_amount DECIMAL(14,2), tolls_amount DECIMAL(14,2), improvement_surcharge DECIMAL(14,2), total_amount DECIMAL(14,2))

    and load your data with copy command from SQL editor (I am assuming you have source files on your desktop).

    copy yellow_pripdata_p from '/your_path/your_csv_file.csv'.

    Unluckly you have to run the command from SQL Editor, not from the import data interface

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