Dashboard permission



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    Candido Dessanti


    this is the link to the new version of the docs


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    Gianfranco Campana

    Working on permissions, I created a user and grant:

    omnisql> \\privileges testuser
    ObjectName          ObjectType          PrivilegeType       Privileges          
    Test dashboard           dashboard           view
    omnisci             database            database            login-access
    testtable               table               select

    But I'm getting:

    You can't access one or more data source

    The only datasource used by all charts in "Test dashboard" is "testtable", what else I'm missing ?

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    Candido Dessanti

    the tables used for the choropleth maps?

    those privileges without a CP maps are working for me

    omnisql> \\privileges test2
    ObjectName          ObjectType          PrivilegeType       Privileges          
    test_grants         dashboard           dashboard           view
    omnisci             database            database            login-access
    flights_sk_4_120m   table               table               select

    added a choropleth map without the grant to the table containing the polygons and I got this error


    giving the grant on table containing the geometry (in my case test_geom) makes everything working

    omnisql> \\privileges test2
    ObjectName          ObjectType          PrivilegeType       Privileges          
    test_grants         dashboard           dashboard           view
    omnisci             database            database            login-access
    test_geom           table               table               select
    flights_sk_4_120m   table               table               select
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    Gianfranco Campana

    Your hypothesis is the first thing I thought, but no choropleth chart is used in the dashboard: only "table" and "number" chart. But I have to add that initially I added, then canceled, a choroplet chart .

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    Gianfranco Campana

    It seems this is a bug.

    I just replicated this behavior:

    1. Created dashboard with one choroplet and one table chart
    2. Try access without permission on geometry object --> leads to "You can’t access one or more data source"
    3. removed choroplet and saved dashboard --> still got "You can’t access one or more data source"
    4. Created new dashboard with only one table chart (same datasource)
    5. Try access without permission on geometry object --> WORKING FINE.
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    Candido Dessanti


    I think you are right, I will open internally a issue about that, but I want to try adding a secondary source, and the removing, just to be sure that the problem is limited to Choropleth chart.

    Many thanks to reporting the problem.

    Saluti, Candido

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    Gianfranco Campana

    Just to let you know, I added the select permission on the geometry object used in th choroplet chart ( no more included in the dashboard) and the error disappeared.

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    Candido Dessanti


    I tried it too....it seems a bug limited to the dashboards that had a choropleth chart on it

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