As we kick-off 2023, we wanted to highlight some of the key improvements to the HEAVY.AI platform that were released in the past 12 months. If you haven't had a chance to see some of these features, please reach out to the Customer Success team for an overview.
- New Chart Types: Gauge, Windbarb, Contour, Cross Section, and Skew-T
- New Control Panel, with system resource dashboards and quick access to logs
- Data Manager improvements: HeavyConnect setup via user interface, new interface for ODBC-based integrations including PostGres, Redshift and Snowflake
- Raster file support and support for 100+ GIS formats backed by the current GDAL release and a more comprehensive set of ST_TRANSFORM SRIDs supported by geos/proj4 library
- Per-Pixel-Linked-List rendering, replacing legacy "render groups" functionality, enabling performance gains both in rendering and upon ingestion
- String functions
- Row-level security (RLS) to allow administrators to apply security filtering to queries executed by a user with a role
- Performance on joins significantly improved by automatic "FROM table" reordering
- A data virtualization tool, which simplifies your ETL workflows and allows you to start analyzing and visualizing your data faster than before
- Immerse Integration, CSV and Parquet support, database and warehouse integration (beta)
- Improvement to support HeavyConnect via S3, ODBC Connectors
Knowledge Base Highlights:
Space Shift, a Japan based company that provides satellite data analysis systems and services, recently won first prize in a pitch competition "NEDO Supply Chain Challenge" hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Japan's national R&D agency (NEDO). The competition's focus was using data to solve supply chain issues.
Space Shift used Heavy Immerse as a showcase platform for their AI technology to analyze satellite data. Using SAR satellite data converted to geojson to WKT, they analyzed damage areas automatically from flood detection AI algorithm, and layered that with elevation to improve accuracy, so that they can expedite investigation, validation and insurance payout. Congratulations to the Space Shift team!
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